the transmission of information, which has low capability of causing harmful interference to other radio equipment. Short-range devices are low-power transmitters
13 KB (645 words) – 19:09, 5 November 2019
A smart device is an electronic device, generally connected to other devices or networks via different wireless protocols such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, NFC
8 KB (1,003 words) – 12:04, 19 June 2020
with other devices both inside and outside the vehicle. For safety-critical applications, it is anticipated that cars will also be connected using dedicated
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monitor their connected home devices from smart home apps, smartphones, or other networked devices. Users can remotely control connected home systems whether
7 KB (767 words) – 09:21, 8 June 2020
peer-to-peer network allows wireless devices to directly communicate with each other. Wireless devices within range of each other can discover and communicate
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the semiconductor device. Power amplifier devices can often be recognized by the heat sink used to mount the devices. Multiple types of power semiconductor
31 KB (3,146 words) – 02:49, 25 June 2020
the devices are modeled as links or lines between the nodes. Physical topology is the placement of the various components of a network (e.g., device location
41 KB (5,204 words) – 09:00, 20 June 2020
to support connected devices to intentionally disable or “brick” their customers’ devices via a remote software update or by disabling a service necessary
148 KB (16,167 words) – 05:48, 4 August 2020
so that the devices appear like locally attached devices to the operating system. A SAN typically has its own network of storage devices that are generally
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multiple devices through the same subscription. It should also motivate mobile device manufacturers to develop the next generation of the mobile-connected devices
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out of range. Some devices can be connected to only one device at a time, and connecting to them prevents them from connecting to other devices and appearing
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reaches of a device‘s effective range, speed may decrease to around 1 Mbit/s before it drops out altogether. The reason is that wireless devices dynamically
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connected to the same cable or Ethernet network. For example, a device that measures temperature and a different device to measure humidity, both of which
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can be “pulled” in wider range than with high-Q crystal. This allows wider range of adjustments, which may be critical in devices operating in extreme
4 KB (428 words) – 08:45, 25 July 2020
Amkette (category Information technology companies of India)
in November 2014, a one of a kind headphone with a sharing jack (aux out) EvoTV – launched mid-2012; a range of connected TV devices that converge web
13 KB (976 words) – 08:45, 24 June 2020
transmit power can enable long-life, battery-powered operation of UNB devices connected in a LPWAN. UNB LPWAN often operate on VHF or UHF frequencies where
5 KB (684 words) – 11:04, 15 January 2019
easier to deploy and run a wider range of applications on the edge servers. One definition of edge computing is any type of computer program that delivers
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used as control systems for a wide variety of industrial and consumer devices. This includes simple special purpose devices like microwave ovens and remote
118 KB (12,496 words) – 01:47, 4 August 2020
UHF RFID tags. NFC protocols established a generally supported standard. When one of the connected devices has Internet connectivity, the other can exchange
59 KB (6,173 words) – 13:52, 2 August 2020
5G (category Wikipedia articles in need of updating from April 2019)
wireless devices in a cell are connected to the Internet and telephone network by radio waves through a local antenna in the cell. The main advantage of the
106 KB (10,079 words) – 10:40, 3 August 2020
by Jessica Brown
Love this wonderful idea!! Thanks for sharing!
by Mike Newton
That turned out really cool. I think I’ll have to try that one. Thanks
by John Snow
What an interesting column! Just loved it and really looking forward to the next!